Recommended Reading List - Communication & Trust

The following books have been recommended by our Subject Specialists for further information on communication skills and trust within organisations:

COMMUNICATE TO WIN        communicate_to_win_

By: Richard Denny

Publisher: Kogan

ISBN: 0749456450

Great communication skills are absolutely vital for succesful people and successful organisations to possess. This book is full of practical examples on how to improve your own communication skills and how to achieve more. It deals with many different scenarios, providing tips and techniques along the way. It is a very useful starting point for further in-depth reading


THE SPEED OF TRUST     the_speed_of_trust

By: Stephen Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

ISBN: 1847392717

Building upon his father's impressive array of books about leadership and management, Stephen has ensured the Covey name continues to be associated with new thinking and ideas for today's managers. This book looks at how to build and develop trust with others and the benefits that accrue to both the individual and the organisation. It flies in the face of convention, given that so many organisations have a basic mistrust of their people which impacts upon organisational performance. Put simply - if we trust somebody with a £1 million training budget, why do they still need to have their expenses  signed and countersigned by three layers of management to whom they report?!


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